Laser Coaching

What is Laser Coaching?


Laser coaching is a unique and powerful system of life coaching which rapidly clears the blocks and limitations keeping you from reaching your goals and living your most joyful, successful, and purpose-filled life.

Alyssa is trained and certified to dig deep beneath the surface to determine what's holding you back and help you get out of your own way, develop a strategy to move forward, and achieve your biggest goals.

Laser coaching is effective in nearly all areas. She can help you with your career or a career change, your business, relationships, weight loss and/or overall health, finding financial freedom, decision-making, confidence and self love, conscious parenting, discovering your purpose, or simply getting out of a rut, following the instinct that there’s more out there for you.

Alyssa utilizes her energetic gifts as a Priestess, intuitive and energy healer in her coaching. Feeling into what each individual client needs at the time, she may lead you through healing and energy clearing meditations during the session, or the energy work may occur more subtly in the background, leaving you unaware it even happened yet knowing how much better and lighter you feel when you leave.

The system is designed for rapid results. You can expect to see major shifts occur within one session.

If you have a specific issue or decision you’re ready to discuss, you can book a 30 minute Clarity Call. We will dive right in with laser focus, untangle your confused thoughts, uncover the blocks that are holding you back, and find the clarity you seek. You’ll leave with renewed hope and excitement and a plan of action to move forward!

Happy Clients


“I absolutely recommend working with Alyssa. She is incredible! My session with her was revolutionary, powerful, and insightful. Alyssa is a strong leader and listener with so much confidence and grace who meets you exactly where you need her to. Leading up to my meeting, I was feeling a lot of stress and experiencing a lot of heavy things that were weighing on me, emotionally and mentally, in addition to general self-doubt and self-sabotage. During my session, Alyssa held a mirror up to me so I could see my true self. It was both a clarifying and emotional experience, in the best possible way. I left wanting more time, simply because Alyssa is so positive, engaging, and calming, but I also felt much more complete and ready, as I felt lighter and at peace with a much clearer vision of myself, my worth, and my goals. Just say yes to working with Alyssa! She’s that good!”

~ Caitlin



“My time spent with Alyssa was exactly what I needed - in so many ways, for so many reasons.

Not only did she create a safe and peaceful place for me to share, but she spoke in such a way that even things that I "knew" reached my heart and mind with far more clarity than simply "knowing" ever did. She amplified the truth while still meeting me where I'm at, and she helped me begin to see and feel what was possible going forward. I am truly encouraged by the impact that one session has already had on me.

By the time we were closing out our time together, I was feeling more focused, refreshed, and relaxed than I can remember feeling in far too long.

With so many layers to work through, these moments of connection and communication were crucial for me to once again see a glimmer of hope, and I am so very grateful.”

~ Jennifer


“My coaching session with Alyssa brought up so many raw emotions that have been circling around inside me for awhile. There’s something so wondrous about being 100% honest with another person. Out loud. It helps you, forces you, to say the scariest things about yourself out loud. The truths you tell yourself in your head, the dreams you whisper in the middle of the night. Alyssa helped me to create a clear path towards my future, so I can grow into my best future self.”

~ Belinda


“WOW. Alyssa is a natural healer and incredible guide. She has such a graceful power about her that creates genuine connection effortlessly for all involved. The first time you meet her you will feel like you've known her for lifetimes over.

In just one session she was able to peel back multiple layers alongside me and unveil blocks I wasn't allowing myself to see. If you don't believe in yourself right now, she will with enough force that you simply won't have the choice but to start! I feel so empowered and re-energized after my time with her.

If you're looking for someone who will invest in you to get you to be in full alignment with your highest self, you've found her!”

~ Alexis


“I just had my first coaching session with Alyssa and it was absolutely magical! She helped me unblock certain emotions and energy I had been holding for months after missing a big promotion at work.

We dug deep and she listened, heard, and understood with such grace and love and I truly felt so seen. She helped me dig further and find what lessons I was meant to learn from specific events in my life, and helped me create an action plan with specific items to focus on in order to continue to learn and grow and become an even happier and higher version of myself. We did a meditation and guided breathing at the end that was absolutely magical and incredibly helpful.

I left our call feeling SO light, SO full of gratitude, and equipped to move forward in light and love while showing myself grace as I continue to learn and grow as a human being. I am incredibly grateful for this experience, her presence and wisdom, and I look forward to working with her again!

Truly from the bottom of my heart - thank you SO much, Alyssa!! With MUCH love and gratitude!”

~ Katie


“Meeting with Alyssa had a more powerful impact on me than I could have even imagined. How I go about each day is just a little different now, and that little bit is making a big difference. Her words were a perfect mix of kindness, understanding, and truth - which is not always easy, but definitely necessary. Even the simplest statements helped me to see things more clearly and recognize details I had missed before.

Alyssa has further ignited my desire to dig deeper and work through hard things so that I can finally begin to overcome what has held me back for far too long and become more fully who I was created to be.

Alyssa is truly a gift, and her heart shines through every moment and every word. Anyone who has the opportunity to meet with her will definitely not walk away without noticeable impact, and I have no doubt that many will be able to trace back seasons of growth to time spent in these sessions and their commitment to the work that follows.”

~ Jennifer


“Alyssa led me through a powerful laser coaching session! I felt listened to, understood, and gently guided towards coming up with tangible steps towards achieving my desired results. She has a wonderful presence that’s both light yet laser focused and I could feel her genuinely being committed to getting me where I needed to go.

I’ve been able to explore deep conditioning and long-held beliefs in a safe container & see the bigger picture and even how going through this phase is a vital step in my evolution. I’d highly recommend working with her & am looking forward to seeing my vision manifest.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

~ Mary


“This was my first ever coaching call and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was even a little nervous because I felt unprepared. But Alyssa made me feel at ease immediately. She had a way of encouraging me to speak honestly about my feelings related to my life commitments and direction. I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and overcommitted, and that is leading to negativity in my life. I’ve known something wasn’t right but it was hard for me to arrive at a decision on what needed to be changed. I needed someone who could speak some hard truth to myself and let’s face it, we don’t always get that from our friends and family, whether that’s because they just want to be encouraging or because they aren’t really listening. Alyssa was listening and asked the questions that brought about some direction for me. She also brought about encouragement that my path can change and that it’s okay and normal. And that was freeing. I highly recommend!”

~ Tara


“I am so happy that I got to work with Alyssa. She got me thinking about the hard questions and left me feeling so inspired and confident to make some tough life decisions. I felt so at ease talking to her and she helped me set some small actionable goals to get me moving in the right direction. I really felt heard and I loved the guided meditation at the end. I now feel more prepared to step out in my truth and to make the next right steps for me.”

~ Kelsey
