Human Design

What is Human Design?


Human Design is the most accurate, comprehensive tool for self-understanding and personal & professional development available to us today.

It combines modern science — Quantum Physics and Genetics — with ancient wisdom — Astrology, the I Ching, the Chakras, and the Kabbalah — to outline how YOU are UNIQUELY designed to thrive in this life and realize your fullest potential.

Not only does it lead to self awareness, acceptance and love, but it equips you with tangible, self-sufficient tools & strategies to be your happiest, healthiest, most successful and aligned self.

You will learn:

  • your unique gifts, personality traits and purpose

  • how to best utilize your energy so you can operate at peak performance and avoid burnout, bitterness & frustration, and plateauing in pursuit of your goals

  • how to best make decisions that you won’t regret later ;-)

  • what it means for YOU to “follow your gut” or “listen to your intuition” or “follow your heart”

  • how to know if you’re on the right path

  • how to become magnetic and manifest aligned opportunities into your life

  • which of your beliefs and patterns are not truly yours and are instead a result of conditioning, and how to decondition

  • how to structure your daily routines (or if you’re meant to have structure and routines at all)

  • how your digestive system is designed to consume food,

  • which environments you thrive best in,

  • and so, so much more.

Human Design will give you permission to JUST BE YOU and stop trying to be everyone else. To embrace what makes you unique and release the shame that has been holding you back.

Alyssa has been trained by some of the world’s most renowned Human Design experts. She has the unique ability to channel and understand Human Design and translate this incredibly complex system into a conversation simple enough for anyone to understand and adopt.

Alyssa not only provides Human Design readings, but she uses it as a foundation for her Awaken Your Truth life coaching program.

This is one of the many things which sets her apart from other Life Coaches. It is critical for a coach to understand how YOU are meant to operate. Many coaches will give advice (i.e. such as morning routines, time management systems, diet & exercise, etc.) based on what works for them or some well known authors and CEO’s, but following strategies meant for another person can lead you far off course and to crippling burnout.

Human Design enables Alyssa to be even more equipped to detect if what you are saying is a result of conditioning and limiting beliefs. It also gives her a major head start in understanding your soul’s purpose at a high level and pointing you in the right direction.

Anja Quevedo

“Alyssa was very easy to communicate with from the very beginning. I usually follow friends’ recommendations so I wasn’t certain if I wanted to get a reading with someone I don’t know. However, the ease with which we started the meeting made me feel comfortable. I’ve been studying my chart and reading books about it so I thought there might not be a lot of new information. Well, I was wrong!

“Alyssa gave me recommendations on how to fine tune the listening of my authority. She also shared several useful tips I’ve never heard before on how to live my design more fully. She answered all of my numerous questions in depth.

“I felt celebrated and encouraged to be me, just the way I came in. Alyssa recognized me and showed genuine love for who I am. She intuited things I feel that I always judged myself for and she “gave me permission” to accept them, which will finally open an opportunity to release them too! I’m so very grateful.”

Brittany P.

My reading with Alyssa was amazing. She made me feel so comfortable from the very beginning of our reading. All the information she had was so spot on and so insightful.

I learned so much from her about myself and how I can use aspects of my design to better my relationships and my work/career. I really appreciated that she took the time to explain everything to me, but also make sure that it all made sense and answer any questions that I had. I highly recommend getting a reading from her if you're interested in learning more about your Human Design and using it to be in alignment!

Nalasa C.

“It was such a fantastic reading! Alyssa clearly loves what she does. She is both knowledgeable and intuitive with how she reads your chart. I felt very seen, she explained things well, and was happy for questions or supplying further clarity. I've extensively self studied Human Design and other systems, and I learned things I didn't know. Her way of articulating concepts or more obscure aspects of the chart was great. She went deep and was uplifting.

“Her skills as a life coach and channel came out in the reading making me feel supported and giving beautiful direction and understanding of my being.

“Thank you Alyssa!”